As drops of rain to the dried seeds
So the ink of your mighty pen
Passed through the infertile hearts
Across the world of countless men
ঘুরছিলাম মেঘের মতন
যা উপত্যকা ও পাহাড়ে ভাসে,
ঠিক তক্ষুনি দেখি
সোনালি ড্যাফোডিলের ভীড়, পাশে।
Met her in the college, eye to eye
Fixed for a moment, no hello or hi.
Liked her dark eyes- the only thing,
Instantly made her Queen, me the King.
With tiny legs
we walked through sands,
Bags and books
At back and in hands.
Tall-short buildings left and right,
Yellow, Blue and white, side by side.
Old - new cars runs round the clock.
Hawkers do all footpaths block.
I am not a poet. I just try to put down my random thoughts into rhythm. Besides I have not full fluency in English as it is not my mother tongue. There might be some errors within the words. If you would like to join me in social networks, find me at Instagram/trailakyar)
River - A Haiku
River runs always
On its own way, curved or straight
Whether light or dark.
To love and to live is to win.
It is as easy to say as hard to do.
দেশে জন্মিলেই নাগরিক হওয়া যায়না, দেশের প্রতি ভালবাসা আর দায়িত্ববোধ না থাকিলে নাগরিক বলা যায় না।