Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Comments

Tom Yetman 24 August 2022

I am not a fan of Maya Angelou but definitely a fan of Craddock's. This rendition is an example of his ability to transmit depth of understanding.

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Rekha Mandagere 08 November 2011

Terence's poetry is unique and it has all aspects of life such as social, economical, political and deeply contemplative! I see more of humility and peace in his poems :)

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Unwritten Soul 02 October 2011

Terence (a constructor of spectral images and painter of light image) is a poet who has big voice on harmony and always scream for peace. If you wonder of this poet's style, for me it really diverse but intellectual is everywhere, and that actually the signature of his write. I feel great to collaborate with this talented writer. Personally i recognise him as a good hearted person, also i refer as faith lover person, in many poem he wrote about humanity, he is one of the person who always encourage me to write poetry in my early time.Thank you Terence. I believe you will find your interest subject in few of Terence poetry.Try some and what you say? Thanks and wish you best, it very deep appreciation to give but no words can speak to me for this poet, Bring us some more victory in your write Terence_Unwritten Soul

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Talisa Whitmore 30 July 2010

I really like your poems. I think they're pretty great. I will most definitely keep up on reading them.

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Hd Whatley 22 June 2010

I enjoyed the truthful insights in Gender Imbalance and your use of classical references. Keep up the good writing.

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Chris Cradddock 06 April 2010

Excellent poems Terence. Wonderful insight. Continue the inspiring work. Regards, Chris.

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Godfried Bastian M 10 March 2010

Excellent! You are the man, my friend!

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Ricky Lewis 08 February 2010

Though I appreciate your concern for my holy well being, as well as your interest toward my work, I do not feel this is the proper venue to express your desire to make me religious in any way. But your other comments are very nice. There are some good suggestions. And yes, too often have I seen 'God's Power'. I once believed in a god similar to yours. I came to a personal rapture. It has caused nothing but murder and agony for thousands of years. But it is just my belief. You may hold whatever beliefs you feel are appropriate for yourself.

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