Tara Crown

Tara Crown Poems

The wind in the bending pines
flushes my thoughts
and clears my mind.
Sitting on this Earth-body

Last night I caught and set free a lightning bug
Oh, right around nine times
By the tenth time I had him he was lookin kinda stunned
So I set him free once more.

for beauty
lay by me
and see my light

Sometimes I look at my life
And see Im outside looking in
Hovering above that bubble
In observation of my own sins.

I'd rather not be
a balloon on a string,
bobbing and nodding
silent agreements with the wind,

Inside a capsule of brilliant words
and silent laughter
gliding with the stars

What is this love between you and I
But a fable,
No solid thing.

A zooming, barreling
noisy thinking contraption
My attention
driving the scenic route

How can I possibly know
from this distance
if you have ever shed a tear
for me when I withhold

Come away with me to the island tonight,
talk with me at water's edge.
Listen soft, the words I speak,
they leap from my heart's ledge.

Eternally grasping and never reaching
I think about you all of the time.
The sky is so gray and cold and so am I
and you are on my mind.


Why do I stay up nights?
And then dream those frights?
Who are you that shares my breath?
Do you see my brain?

Would that I could
Break from this gray
This changable mass
This lump of clay

Turn oil into clouds
Trees into one story abodes
Deep creases tell a story
Salty on my lips

Gather up your heart from the dirt
where it was carelessly dropped
in passing
The one who held it with ignorant hands


Where is the risk in saying 'I Love You'?

When you hide behind your mysteries,
the smouldering intrigue like a magnet to

You said it was like
our souls were trying to touch
but our bodies got in the way.

Arms spinning
Windmills turning

As you walked today
in quiet unquestioned flow
like water over stones
you left parts behind

The language of
your body translates
your addiction to
my touch.

The Best Poem Of Tara Crown

Wind ~ ~ ~

The wind in the bending pines
flushes my thoughts
and clears my mind.
Sitting on this Earth-body
my body bends like
a blade of grass.
And a blade of grass has
no thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow.
Just the sun on my face,
just the sky in it's perfect grace,
this time, this moment, my perfect place.
When black-feathered Raven casts
down his shadow for me, his
spread wings simply mould and bend
in perfect form with the wind.
Lifting up, now down, like
a rogue thought in my mind, his flight
merely a gust, a chance whim
breezing through time.
Now like a tree without roots
I can outstretch my limbs
and so freely, without question
I again bend back and forth in the wind.
A tree will not carry sorrow
in it's branches, no, the wind
will take the blooms and the tears.
She will wipe clean this wooden body
of dead leaves and dead fears.
No sounds here now but this lovely wind-song,
that lifts my cares and blows them along.
With the leaves and the birds
and the clouds in the day,
I watch my worries being carried away.
Here, with the wind, is where my spirit is found.
And here, with found wind spirit,
is where I wish to stay.

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