I am feeling happy
With my own destiny,
And my destiny is
Mocking at me.
Really, I am sorry,
Sorry men, you are
Losing your valuable time
With no works that are
Feel sorry,
you cannot fulfil
the demand of all
and for this
No sorry please.
Sorry does not fill up
the wounds you
made in anger.
I am sorry,
I am sorry for you all.
You all are here,
But you are not able to
Sorry, excuse me.
I will not repeat
Again the same.
Sorry to say
The rain is not able to
Understand my love-heart.
Sorry, I am driven by
Ego and greed.
Sorry, I am doing harm
and injustice.
Sorry to say,
No one will be here.
And each one is a guest
For a few moment only.
I could not follow you.
J failed to know
Sorry, I am
Not in a position
To tackle the situation.
You, yourself
Say sorry always,
Say I love you,
Say I am the truth.
Messages to Collin Sine
Gajanan Mishra
Collin Sine, let me put question, is there any justice system perfect and pure besides death? Life itself is corrupt and here how can we expect honesty, integrity and justice from anyone, dear? We are all corrupt to the core, viruses like anger, desire, diseases, attachments etc are here in us always and torturing us day and nights.
Sorry, I am not there
In your words.
I am also not there
In your actions.
Empty space
Our dreams
And we are in it.
Extremely sorry
ମୋ ରହିବାଟା କଣ ମିଛ?
ଆଉ ଯିବାଟା ଏଠୁ କଣ ସତ ନୁହଁ?
ରହିବା ଆଉ ଯିବା ଭିତରେ ଫରକ କଣ?
ଜାଣିଛ ଯଦି କହ, ନ ଜାଣିଥିଲେ ବି
I see
Through the whole earth
No freedom
No liberty
Sorry, I am going with poetry
And poetry are there to compel me to say sorry.
To say sorry is to prove that you are fair,
Sorry to disappoint,
My poetry is here
But not able to give
Anything to you.
For the time, sorry.
Here I am for you
And you are there,
Me, to carry.
Sorry, a great word.
Sorry to disturb you,
And take your time.
I'm sorry,
I'm responsible
For what happens here.
I'm sorry
Sorry to know,
Who you are.
Sad to know -
No more there.
Sorry, something or
Somebody is there,
And that is the cause of
All disturbances here.
Sorry, I discover
No procedure of
Writing poetry
And I am sure
Friends, I am sorry,
I failed to make you
Understand the life.
The life- through my
Sorry to see
The crumbling down
Of the Himalayas
With ice and sky.
Sorry, I am not able to
See anything here.
And sorry to say again
I am no way related to
Sorry sir,
I am with my poetry.
And the poetry
Is in me.
Sorry for the mistake,
But I know not exactly
What is a mistake,
So long as I love each one
No childhood
Is with me.
My bare feet
Sorry, I know not
How You are moving
And how You are acting.
But You are sitting
I could not hold it.
It passes as it likes
I am sorry
Sorry, I can't
Keep my mother
I can't speak
My mother.
Say sorry to
The performance
Of forbidden actions
Be in shame.
Does not serve the purpose
Take action
Taking action is the need
Of the hour.
Sorry, here there is no justice
Only disposal of cases are being
Done here to save service and
Earn money for own family.
Please and sorry are words
They taught us.
Why are we not able to