School Day Poem by StaceyLeigh Olner

StaceyLeigh Olner

StaceyLeigh Olner

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StaceyLeigh Olner
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School Day

Here I am on my own,
Listening to the birds singing,
And the sun beating down through,
The class room window,
Now here come the pupils,
Very noisy now,
The silence has been broken,
It is no longer peaceful,
No longer can you hear,
The birds singing,
The suns still beating down,
On my side,
Making me hotter and hotter,
Everyone is shouting and being loud,
At last everyone is starting to settle,
All you now hear from the class,
Is the odd voice,
From outside you hear,
An aeroplane going past,
The birds singing,
And all the traffic going past,
Lesson is nearly over,
Just 15 minutes left,
It feels as if,
I have been here for hours,
What lessons next?
Oh no its science with Mr. Wickstead and Mr. Stretton,
Well that’s it end of first lesson,
Time to go to science,
Here I am in science,
So quiet till the class comes in,
Then the peace yet again,
Has been ruined,
In this class you can’t,
Hear the birds singing,
Or the traffic,
Or even the areoplanes flying,
Oops time to work now,
It will be break time in:
55 minutes,
Class is loud talking about different things,
Just 10 minutes left now,
Then break time hooray,
Yes at last its break time,
School has gone mad,
People running in all directions,
People standing in small groups,
Talking about random stuff,
Some people happy some sad,
O no not again it’s lesson 3,
English with Mr. French,
Reading the book called ‘holes’,
Then watching the film ‘holes’,
My English class is good,
As there is only 4 of us plus the teacher 5,
It is quite apart from the teacher talking,
And yes again you hear the birds singing out loud,
And the sun still beating down,
Just 40 minutes left then lunch time,
It’s time to watch the video now,
For the rest of the lesson,
Just 30 minutes left,
20 minutes now left till lunch,
Then school will go wild,
Rushing to the hall to get lunch,
Lunch time now,
Everyone’s eating,
Everyone is settling down now,
Not rushing around everywhere,
But everyone else still shouting,
And sitting in groups,
People playing catch,
People taking pictures to put on the internet,
What lessons next? ? ?
Health and Social Care with Mrs. Ellis,
Friends coming up and talking to me,
Great bells gonna go for lesson now,
Just 2 more lessons and one more break
Left of school now yey,
Bells gone lesson 4 now,
Got to do some work on children,
A daily routine for a 9 month old baby,
Bells goin to go now,
For last break yey,
Then lesson 5 I’m meant to have math’s,
But I’m in inclusion as I can’t go up the stairs,
All alone in inclusion,
For an hour then 3: 30 home time.

YEY! ! !

a bit of a long poem, Wrote during a school day,

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StaceyLeigh Olner

StaceyLeigh Olner

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StaceyLeigh Olner
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