Shanto Armonde

Shanto Armonde Poems

The wicked love of money
Impels us to embark
On an dark and endless journey.

Hair sparse, grey and weak,
Forehead marked by a life so bleak.
His bushy brows were curved by regret
Of a middling life that all would forget.

As the dark descends,
Hopes begin to dim, sorrow
Settles, dominates...
Trees start to shiver with cold...

To my lady fair, forever fleeing,
On this harken, for our lives are fleeting...
I stress upon thee, life’s truest meaning,
So cares lot may cloak not, thy heart’s screaming.

I, the lover of night, the consort of winters cold confess.
I reach out to a reaching hand
A hand, out of shadow
Seen only by moon and me

You straddle two worlds
Your fingers feel the touch of heavens
And your feet, the earthen realms
Imperfectly balanced along the edge of the chasms of the grotesque

Before spreads the pure sea-sight
Blue embraced by the dying sunlight

From this high cliff-edge I call

Let not the strength of my spirits wane
With age, and through my love profane
Bring me triumph
Preserve my ever precious sanity

Haunting dreams of love
Float before my dying sight,
Heart starts to shatter...

The mind, a field of boundless dreams
Where all hopes are free to float and fly,
Where love for all flows in gentle streams,
A place where one can dance in the sky...

In the moonlight, with fair face
She stands, with longing eyes.
So advance, with unfaltering grace,
With all the love under starry skies.

On this very day, in some bygone year,
You were born without worry or fear.
And now, tall and naive, you celebrate
Your nearing to that common fate.

The illusions of hereafter,
Those of heaven and those of hell,
Checks our lusts and lives.

I have very often wondered
Whether my deeds really mattered,
Or whether life was just absurd.

Craving solitude
I journeyed to distant lands,
Over lonely paths
Leaving all of life’s tortures

Newborn sun climbs the sky with slothful pace
Critters leap to life, and so does the human race.
It frightens the moon and usurps the night,
It laughs in triumph as the stars take flight...

Love is fleeting,
Yet broken hearts never mend...
Joy lasts but a moment in life,
But never dies from memory...

I saw her through my admiring eyes,
I heard her words, innocent of lies.
I was lost in love, dreaming.
Lost in her brilliant beauty,

The Best Poem Of Shanto Armonde

For Love And Money

The wicked love of money
Impels us to embark
On an dark and endless journey.

Overwhelmed by vicious temptation
We pursue that receding goal,
Until we’re well beyond salvation.

Money can buy others’ respect.
It can make us feel
complete and perfect.

Money can buy love and joy
Although our innocence,
It does destroy.

Eyes bound, and cruelly blinded,
With violent drive and desire,
We race on, alone and unguided.

Slowly starving the soul inside
Of love, succumbing to fatal
Hopes, yet swelling with pride.

Only in the end do we begin to learn,
To love the harsh times lived,
And not the money that we earn.

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