Seamus Fox

Seamus Fox Poems

I used to post on here a few
years back and since then
I have won the All Ireland poetry
slam title and have my first book

There were two couches separated
Making a splayed L shape and
Drooling candles everywhere
Burning themselves hurriedly out.

………not knowing what simplicity is.
We are early at best and late extremely
have you ever noticed the same days?
They only appear the same because you

Seamus Fox Biography

Iam stuck in a human and I can't get out! ! ! !)

The Best Poem Of Seamus Fox

Not Exactly A Poem! !

I used to post on here a few
years back and since then
I have won the All Ireland poetry
slam title and have my first book
coming out next month.

Hope some of you may be interested.

http: // ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1280172767&sr=8-1


Seamus Fox Comments

Anna Russell 01 April 2007

Since Seamus has decided to delet the re-post half his work, I'll be buggered if I'm re-commenting on all of them, so I'll just write something here ;) Seamus is an excellent writer, one who is always willing to push himself to produce the best possible quality work and in the year or so that I've been reading his stuff, I watched him improve and tighten his style immensely. His observations are sometimes filled with hard hitting truth, sometimes wit and soemtimes sheer poignancy - but each one has has unique stamp all over it. His work really is a delight to read, and his style very original. Hugs Anna xxx

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