Sadiqullah Khan Comments

nice poems. you are great in showing feels.that shows a good improvement. i invite you to read my poems at my poets page. that is a friendly invitation

4 1 Reply
Shah Muhammad 06 October 2012

Sadiq, just before I have read ur poem about dabkot karaze, nd I like it so much that I can't express it in my words, I'm also from dabkot wana. Thanks alot

8 1 Reply
Anjali Sinha 03 February 2009

S ensual A mourous D ivine I telligent Q uibbler U nabashed L ovable L iberal A dmirable H onest K nowledgable H earty A rduous N oble Sadiq this is what I think of you May God Bless You always and may your fame waft around like the musky fragrance that I talk about in my poems Anjali 03-02-2009

8 2 Reply
p.a. noushad 14 June 2008

dear sadiqulla khan, beautiful is your presentation.

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