Ryan Lee Morris

Ryan Lee Morris Poems

You don't see me.
But I stand right here.
For my past mistakes.
Made me disappear.

The time has come
To say good bye
I gave it my all
I really did try

Just another broken promise.
Your words are really cheap.
You're writing cheques with your mouth.
Your body will not keep.


Ego is the demon seed, rooted in our minds.
Being right, for what is deserved.
But what is deserved?
Are we so entitled, that we are above the next?

The rock is unearthed.
A diamond is born.
Unclear and jagged,
What it will become,

I will live a thousand lives.
I will sleep a thousand sleeps.
Though the thousand is really one.
I will dream a thousand dreams.

Welcome to Addiction.
I hope you stay awhile.
The cost for you to watch my show,
Is your life, your freedom, your smile.

Time is my drug, my addiction.
Tick toc, tick toc, tick toc.
I am running out, I panic!
I steal some from another.

I came across a man today,
Who years ago, did me wrong.
Although much time had come to pass,
My resentments were still, so strong.

The sun rose
A gentle breeze.
The pond was still that morning.
Peace, tranquility, serenity.

Our marriage is our garden.
I want our garden to be beautiful.
With lush green grass,
With fragrant and colourful flowers.

To find my spirit, is to free my mind.
My mind tells me what I want.
My spirit tells me what I already have.
What is pleasing to the eyes,

Just one last time
Before I go
Let me tell you much
I love you so

The Lion, He sits upon the mountain.
Watching over the pride, which is His joy.
He shows no fear.

Raindrops are falling from high in the sky
Reminds me of sorrow from days gone by
The sky is so Grey and the wind cuts like a knife
Finding your way through this abyss they call life

You opened the door,
You pushed me away,
You left me with,
No words to say.

Staring into your blue pools of forever.
Looking deep into your soul.
Heaven has come to earth.
Your touch, like a warm summer breeze.

Mistakes I made, I must let go.
Lessons learned, so I can grow.
Changes to make, that I can show.
Debts to be paid, that I owe.

The joy comes in the morning.
Only through the mourning.
The labour pain before the birth.
The birth of the joy.

The glass is half empty,
Yet, there is still something there.
Discouragement, pushing us towards greatness.
Iron sharpens iron, by friction, not apathy.

Ryan Lee Morris Biography

Even when you do not believe in yourself, God never stops believing in you. We know who we are, but He knows who we can be! God bless.)

The Best Poem Of Ryan Lee Morris

Invisible Man

You don't see me.
But I stand right here.
For my past mistakes.
Made me disappear.

The invisible man.
I am to you now.
I want you to see me.
Please let me know how.

Your loving gaze.
Pillow talk nights.
The laughs we shared.
Let me be in your sights.

Sharing our dreams.
Where did they all go?
Are they invisible too?
Don't let this be so.

Fun times with the kids.
Last minute trips.
Holding you close.
Your warm sweet lips.

Your gentle touch.
Your beautiful smile.
Are they gone forever?
Or just for a while?

Things taken fore granted.
But now I can see.
You through the Lord's eyes,
And not those of me.

Invisible people.
In an invisible world.
Now the sight is obtained.
As His plan unfurls.

I now see you clearly.
You're invisible no more.
You're even more beautiful.
Than ever before.

One day you may see me.
But for now I'm unseen.
He can make things much better.
Than they ever had been.

Invisible, I'll wait.
Until you see me again.
Until your trust I rebuild.
And your love I regain.

It will not be easy.
But I know it is right.
For love endures all.
So for yours I will fight.

God says it is worth it.
And I have to agree.
Through His love I will show her,
And one day, she'll see me.

I'm the Invisible man.
With my love of no end.
All the pain I will feel.
You are worth it my friend.

Ryan Lee Morris Comments

Vmano Tharmalingam 29 December 2015

Dear Sir Can I incorporate your poem Diamond in the Rough and acknowledge you as well VMano

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Sharad Juneja 20 April 2012

I think i have wrote thr weather.....I suppose my mind was oocupied with what i read n i started thinking about it.... It should be nature... apologies

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