Ruth Walters

Ruth Walters Poems

Who's there?
walking among my memories
tripping over cells of humour
falling on old war wounds.

Miss Jeffries was cold,
like a dry, stale turkey sandwich.
She was always in a foul mood,
curling up at the edges.

Recycled teenager

The teenager was looking jaded,
all those late nights and

The perfect day sits in old photographs
on mantlepieces and console tables
but it was never really perfect.
Moments of it may have been,

I don't like cabbages,
despise lumpy mattresses
and men that wield control with glee,
or cats that purloin my favourite seat,

If you were to strip the canvass away,
scrape the surface a little,
you may see a different picture.
Errant parents, drinking, gambling,

He lived next door, so quietly,
with sour face and manners,
always pottering about
at dark, unearthly hours.

I watch my grand-daughter
as she looks up at the sky.
'Tiny aer-o-p'anes' she squeals.

The table was messy, dirty, and annoying.
I didn't want to clean the table
and the table didn't want to be cleaned.
The table and I stared at each other.

He was multi layered,
peel back the first
and you thirsted for more.
Underneath was a great sauce,

1st hour
In the hour before work,
she bathes her children,

There she'd sit,

My father would rise at 5, be at work by 7,
his day would start to the
last glimmer of the moon and
he'd work well past sunset.

They take our childhoods!
We watch the sandcastles
at our feet,
quickly, slip away.

I've got high cholesterol,
my doctor diagnosed it.
According to the doctor
my bad fats overflowing.

There's a poem in here somewhere,
between the drugs and the booze,
the knife crime and drive by shootings,
the county lines and the

The frame held the ego splendidly,
with a little gold chintz around the edges.
It showed it off with a little swagger and flair!
Truly, I could not fault the fine brush work,

The frame was best supporting act,
and held the painting high and proud.
He never moaned or groaned or spat,
just hung there, all chilled out.

Ruth Walters Biography

They spat me out one winters day, I had no choice, I had no say so pull a chair up, join me do and I might write a rhyme or two.)

The Best Poem Of Ruth Walters

No Trespassing

Who's there?
walking among my memories
tripping over cells of humour
falling on old war wounds.

Who's there?
Mind where you tread, old thing,
these are my nerve endings,
my memories of past events.

Shoes off,
when you step inside my brain,
reading my verses, pinging my emotions.
This is my property, take care.

Don't squash
the frontal lobe!
I may look passive but I bite.
Be gentle on my mind.

Who's there?
Stop, trespasser, hooligan,
be quiet when you come in here
and take your hat off!

Ruth Walters Comments

James Mclain 04 May 2020

Just a fantastic poet and Well rounded in her pursuit of her Great prose.

2 0 Reply
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 October 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets, PH family and our Mahakul family we offer a title of honour to poetess Ruth Walters as, Flowery Sunrise. From today on-wards she will be known as Flowery Sunrise Ruth Walters. This title of honour is offered to her due to her outstanding contribution to the world literature and her high standard poetic perseverance. We hope all poets and visitors will like this.

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Karen Sinclair 05 July 2012

No awkwardness just sheer smooth reality and\or humour leaves the pages of Ruth Walters...A Great Poet! and a rarity in woman as she is really funny when she wants to be...

7 3 Reply
Danny H 06 August 2009

Your an amazing poetess :) Your poetry is brought alive in front of the face, and shows all the possible colors.

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