Rubana Sen

Rubana Sen Poems

Modern human world is a ferocious cage
Lions, tigers, bears, hyenas, the ferocious beasts are in ferocities
The innocents are getting killed
And are being those ferocious meal,

Night sky should be a mind
In danger and fear
Darkness all around but star
When the moon is rare

Greetings of Eid Festival
To all,
Enjoy glad and happiness
With all,

Moon Boon In Quatrain

Quatrain For Sunshine

The sun shines from proper line

Rubana Sen Biography

I am more a reader than writer. Reading is my hobby since early the life. I like reading poetry much: poetry true in meaning, spiritual, philosophical, on human love based, natural, cultural. I am also writing but slow in speed.)

The Best Poem Of Rubana Sen

Modern Ferocious World

Modern human world is a ferocious cage
Lions, tigers, bears, hyenas, the ferocious beasts are in ferocities
The innocents are getting killed
And are being those ferocious meal,
No escape
No rescued
But being victims
Fall down.

Rubana Sen Comments

Muzahidul Reza 27 November 2016

She is a poet with star in night sky, so no moon, no fear. A great sign is hinting to be great. I welcome you and to your potentiality.

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