Raven Fulford

Raven Fulford Poems

wondering through the woods,
he searches for ur fear,
he loves to hide his face with a hood,
for he is very near,

through the last few days we have had a blast
but i guess now it's time for us to last
we laughed and cried
we said are goodbyes

I have a poem in my pocket for this very day,
a poem in my packet you might even say,
i have a poem in my pocket for all of you to hear,
this is the poem in my pocket,

What is love but a 4 letter word?

i shall tell you

you've made me laugh you've made me cry,
most of the time i don't know why,
sometimes it's becasue im happy, ,
sometimes it becasue im sad,

your name as plain as mine
sweet and full of shine
we have yet to come toghether
when my loves just a feather

When i get up in the mornings i try to be very calm
but why bother?
he treats me like i'm nothing and dosn't know im here
so why bother?

the willows calling out to your voices in the dark.
hear my melodies tonight,
the stars are shining ever so brightly,
the moon is out playing with the wind,

i'm still here...
when the world is coming to an end

im still here....

Am i visible?
when i call your name and you look around u can't see me
am i visible?
i try to show you my love but you are to blind to notice?

only to be surprised and not see that gurl
jaw dropping moments is when it last
when you turn around you want to hurl
hurry, qiuck, get out of there fast

As my days go bye slowly,
i start to think,

Why did u do this to me,

the look in your eyes tell me that you care,
but when i turn around your not always there,
what did i do wrong for you to run and hide?
did i make you want to cry?

keep running through the forest
the trees wipping at your body
your running for that hottie
who could it be?

Raven Fulford Biography

Hi my name is Raven Fulford im 15, i have been writing poetry since about the 4th or 5th grade. umm i am not that good at poetry but other people seem to like it. so enjoy!)

The Best Poem Of Raven Fulford

Vampires Love

wondering through the woods,
he searches for ur fear,
he loves to hide his face with a hood,
for he is very near,
ur love he is also senseing,
he plan is commensing,
the vampires love u see,
is very clear to me,
he is the only one that can love me for eternity,
my heart is very happy,

only for a vampires love.

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