Ranil Gunawardena

Ranil Gunawardena Poems

To expect more
Than a person can give
Is to expect feathers
From a turtle

Whoever who gets this card...
Its because you are Chosen...
A spell has been caste over you, to fill you with delight...
in an enchanted forest...

Dwell in this twinkling knowing...
This 'twinkling' is going to change...
This 'twinkling' is a 'result' of change...
And, that change had a 'reason' to change...

lovely ride...
oh..? touched the ground! ? *!
face first, hands next, where have my leg got stuck?

Life without love:

There is water in the pond but actually not water
There are plants around but actually not real plants


She has the laugh
She has the wait
She has the affection
She has the forgiveness

photos of a glamours party
stunning girls
smart men
attractive attire

ooh the proud you,
you are fulfilled...
take a good look,
your emptied 'full' 'filled'...

wish for desire, and
what will you get?
what you desired, and
what you undesired


That person is this bad
I dont want that person
This person is that bad
I dont want this person

If 'birthday' is the 'first' day I started living...
When is my birthday?
Is it the day doctors got me out?
But then, was I dead before that?

close to you - the few
family and friends and family friends
relatives - you did not know existed
collegues - not in good terms

bodily difficulties

it was like Yesterday
the day I had my last Birthday
Yesterday was the last-day
of the year began last Birthday

Now I know the reason:

I always knew that one day we would be apart
But I ignored it because that was far apart


He had only one
He was so happy... and showed it!
Some have 32
But reluctant to show even one!

Nelson Mandela
The Immortal Icon
A reason for people
To live like human

The Best Poem Of Ranil Gunawardena

Expecting More From A Person

To expect more
Than a person can give
Is to expect feathers
From a turtle

Never a good leader
Would do that
But exactly evaluate
The capacity with reason

The problem really
Is not a persons’ ability
Weather can or cant
But the communication

If the communication is done
Whether can or cant
Giving ample time
Everyone will be fine

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