Wildlife! Wildlife! It's everywhere!
Beneath the sea! Upon the air!
No wonder that us humans stare!
God made so many things!
Wildlife! Wildlife! It's short and stout!
You'll always find wildlife about!
It's very close, no need to scout!
God made so many things!
Wildlife! Wildlife! Don't get up close!
For if you do, you'll come to blows!
No matter, crocodiles or crows!
God made so many things!
From kangeroos to cockatoos
And birds most colours you could choose
And if in doubt, then check the zoos!
God made so many things!
I've seen big dogs, I've seen big cats,
I've seen giraffes, I've seen wombats,
I've seen some budgies having chats!
God made so many things!
I've seen the dolphins swimming fast,
I've seen some skunks, man, what a blast,
I've seen some missing lynx walk past!
God made so many things!
They say there's life on planet Mars,
In galaxies beyond our stars,
We'll have to see what comes to pass!
God made so many things!
Denis Martindale, copyright February 2016.
Poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google-search
gayfordgallery and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem