Laziness poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best laziness poems ever written. Read all poems about laziness.
Twenty-first. Night. Monday.
Silhouette of the capitol in darkness.
Some good-for-nothing -- who knows why--
made up the tale that love exists on earth.
FLOOD-TIDE below me! I watch you face to face;
Clouds of the west! sun there half an hour high! I see you also face
to face.
Now that you arrived in the afterlife,
What was your earned income?
Hope you did not see the ugliness
Men lament that they have no time to do things
needed being done.
Yet, they sit wasting time, watching T.V. for
Phoebus, sitting one day in a laurel-tree's shade,
Was reminded of Daphne, of whom it was made,
For the god being one day too warm in his wooing,
She took to the tree to escape his pursuing
The riches of the poet are equal to his poetry
His power is his left hand
It is idle weak and precious
His poverty is his wealth, a wealth which may destroy him
On the children's day,
To the Lord I pray.
May God bless,
To one and all success.
He leant against a lamp-post, lost
In some mysterious reverie:
His head was bowed; his arms were crossed;
He yawned, and glanced evasively:
New attire and
Sunday,9th May 2021
It is me in a new attire
You got your seat
Without any drop of sweat
Relied on your grandfather
Your namesake
Ô toison, moutonnant jusque sur l'encolure!
Ô boucles! Ô parfum chargé de nonchaloir!
Extase! Pour peupler ce soir l'alcôve obscure
Although her load is sometimes heavy,
The coach moves at an easy pace;
The dashing driver, gray-haired time
Drives on, secure upon his box.
In my laziness
I started late
To meet you,
You talked to me
Que j'aime voir, chère indolente,
De ton corps si beau,
Comme une étoffe vacillante,
Miroiter la peau!
No tomorrow
Wednesday,4th July 2018
Yes no wait for anything
Satan residing little mind
Listen to my words from today
Don't you go searching alone
For Im your leader, you better know
The Master spoke…
How fresh the Dartle's little waves that day!
A steely silver, underlined with blue,
THOU art of this world, Christ. Thou know'st it all;
Thou know'st our evens, our morns, our red and gray;
sometimes i ask myself
hey man, what is your forces?
do you have one at least?
i say to myself,
In those lazy days, once in a while,
You crave the calm of a gentle smile.
Sun rises
But your conscience does not
Moon comes back
But your sense does not
Why does the mind wander so much, it keeps saying the same thing every day?
The destination will be reached, the roads will also be cut, let's take rest today, from tomorrow onwards we will definitely reach the destination, we will memorize every page of the book of hard work,
Sometimes a question comes to mind, is laziness a compulsion, or is it necessary to show the depth of suffering?
At present. So I am looking at the destination, sitting from the same place, and I am thinking in my mind, which day will this arrow of hard work come out of the bow, till then I will not be released from this world, I don't know when it will come out, With bow and arrow,
time is very powerful
time is very powerful
you respect it
let's go along with it
time rolls on and life is as it is; we put barricades and dig deep into the heart sometimes to the whims of nature; moving back is fine and a step forward is bravery; math is a task, texts and messages are worthy but logic had never been friendly; And we have dots to be filled with universal thoughts -a proactive laziness wandering smart and high but no wondering: only with ebbs and tides time rolls on and life is at it is.
Procrastination breeds laziness
Where there is laziness
There will always be an excuse
To never try in the first place
My anger cannot retain free thought or free rain, laziness of others inflame me so, humanity can do so much, just to survive and adapt, but care so little of others, greediness and selfishness in meaty form, no body is truly morally true, in fact most are dumber than you, ignorance breeds arrogance, hatred breeds pain, stupidity just brings forth arguments, in the end humanity just seems boring, especially if your alone and unfulfilled, economy's fall and countries die, rights in the face of power die just like that, its a shame to be here, the DNA we have allows trillions, but its me and you? they will call us lucky and free, the only thing in solace for all to know, the only thing guaranteed, is death smiles at us all, the best thing a man can do is smile back.
Laziness-Late get up
Wednesday,4th August 2021
What does the sun daily bring?
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