Zz American Political Stanzas (President's Day) Poem by Mary Havran

Mary Havran

Mary Havran

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Mary Havran
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Zz American Political Stanzas (President's Day)

Rating: 3.1

When I was a bit too young to understand it well
An Irish family’s prince held the American Throne
He wished us to the moon before it all went to hell
And left a nation mourning and weeping for its own

In the next election his younger brother had tried
Idealism sought the throne, but by violence it died
The sitting old style politician won it in his place
Reign left in the hand of he with tired haggard face

That tired old man would eventually take a beating
By a war from which he was too slow in retreating
So he was replaced before that war’s bitter end
By a paranoid liar who trusted no man as a friend

When that man’s lies were at length revealed
The power of the throne did briefly yield
To a one time hero of a college football field
Whose reign even W.I.N. buttons could not shield

Then arrived the gentle spoken peanut farmer
Blessed with a heart of gold but so much warmer
But he lost face at the hands of Terrorists action
Failed rescue of hostages held by deadly faction

Then with the wisdom of some star-struck drone
The people placed an actor on their country’s throne
This communicator sang the praise of wealth unknown
And urged all with haste to seek it for their own

After his two-term reign the now gilded torch would go
To one who by his blue-blooded birth would know
Where common folks taxes could be put to show
Their best placed honorarium to the status quo

Money got tight, the people thought they had a chance
When they invited a lady’s man to the palace dance
But he danced in ways they judged unclean of heart
And from his party their favor would thus depart

Who knows then what made their heads so spin
To choose a former throne sitter’s much lesser kin
A man who’s hollow brain issues forth such prattle
And foolishly tries to justify and one-up Pop’s battle

Where will American politics go from here?
Who will win the throne at end of this year?
Will the crown come to rest on a wiser head?
Or will American Ideals again be left for dead?

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Mary Havran

Mary Havran

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Mary Havran
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