Your Voice Poem by Aisha Sherazi

Aisha Sherazi

Aisha Sherazi

London, UK
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Aisha Sherazi
London, UK
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Your Voice

Rating: 5.0

I used to hear your voice,
Clearly in my mind,
Now I hear my own,
Tricking me, it’s mine.

I used to hear your song,
Sing inside my heart,
Love songs and ballads,
But now that we’re apart.

I can’t hear a thing,
Just my loneliness,
A silent cold darkness,
Taunting me, oh yes.

Telling me I’m crazy,
To have loved so much,
Given myself completely,
Given in to your touch.

There is no bitterness,
My own voice now tricks me,
Just emptiness remains,
Where your voice used to be.

trisha evensen 23 September 2006

This is a terrific poem! Trisha :)

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Brian Dorn 21 September 2006

Aisha, the perfect ending to a melancholic write. Very well done! ! Brian

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P K 17 June 2006

Hi Aisha U have expressed your feeling so beautifully keep it up

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Elya Thorn 22 May 2006

Sad and nostalgic... hurtfull yet so amazing! I am glad you've let all those feelings out in a great poem, other than keeping them locked inside... ~~Elya Thorn~~

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Aisha Sherazi

Aisha Sherazi

London, UK
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Aisha Sherazi
London, UK
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