Your Looks Poem by Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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Your Looks

Rating: 5.0

Never worry about how you look
As I stared into a calm brook,
Don't worry about makeup or facelifts
The way you look are truly all gifts.

Wrinkles mean that you have laughed
So, you don't need a graft,
And when your life became a whirlwind
You chuckled, and you also grinned.

Gray hairs mean that you have cared
Other people's problems you have help and shared,
You held and wept with them when they cried
Your hair should not be dyed.

Scars show where you have been
And how your life did truly begin,
And when to strangers you have arrived
Your scars showed them that you have survived.

So, I say be happy with your appearance
Don't let a mirror or people be an interference,
As people can judge stories by the cover of books
Please I say, never worry about your looks.

Randy L. McClave

Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: look,you
Mahtab Bangalee 01 December 2020

So, I say be happy with your appearance Don't let a mirror or people be an interference, .../// your look is a beautiful book of my heart! ~ seemingly nice loving poem shared

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Khairul Ahsan 01 December 2020

The poem, so well written, deserves full marks and I gladly give it: 5 Stars *****! I recommend this poem to be selected as the 'Member Poem of the Day' for any day.

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Khairul Ahsan 01 December 2020

'As people can judge stories by the cover of books Please I say, never worry about your looks.' - Thank you. I never do that.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
follow poet
Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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