Your Heart Calls Mine Poem by Tina Rizk

Tina Rizk

Tina Rizk

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Tina Rizk
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Your Heart Calls Mine

My love,

Your heart calls mine
In a tender whisper: you are mine
Your happiness is mine
Your sadness is mine

My heart answers:
Since the dawn of time
You and I are one
You came in like the sun
With love and tenderness in tons

Your heart replies:
I came in to love you
A part of me lies in you
My love is free, unconditional too
We're one soul split into two

Our soul echoes like ripples on water:
Only love will open portals to eternity
The love that honors your soul's identity
The love that doesn't distort the divine image
Imprinted on each soul's visage

Copyright ©️ Tina Rizk

Tina Rizk

Tina Rizk

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Tina Rizk
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