Words Poem by Kamala Das

Kamala Das

Kamala Das

Punnayurkulam, Thrissur District in Kerala
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Kamala Das
Punnayurkulam, Thrissur District in Kerala
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Rating: 3.9

All round me are words, and words and words,
They grow on me like leaves, they never
Seem to stop their slow growing
From within... But I tell my self, words
Are a nuisance, beware of them, they
Can be so many things, a
Chasm where running feet must pause, to
Look, a sea with paralyzing waves,
A blast of burning air or,
A knife most willing to cut your best
Friend's throat... Words are a nuisance, but.
They grow on me like leaves ona tree,
They never seem to stop their coming,
From a silence, somewhere deep within...

Susan Williams 16 January 2018

Perfection! She has a more - - -bitter- - -view of what words can do than I but yes, they are used in every genre of fiction, in every type of poem, in every sort of song because the well-chosen ones communicate! ! ! !

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Chandran Methil 16 January 2018

Words are just sounds......we give meaning to them........according to custom and convention.

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Supritha 29 January 2018

Can u even state the meaning

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Unnikrishnan E S 16 January 2018

Every poem of Kamala Das is a revelation... All round me are words, and words and words, They grow on me like leaves Kalidas or Wordsworth could not have stated it better! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 16 January 2018

A profusion of words weaved into a poem most beautifully by Kamala Das. A Malayalam writer and poetess most well known in Kerala.

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Bijay Kant Dubey 03 May 2022

Words even though originate from the deep within unawares need to be weighed before putting before as the words spelt can never be returned back..The convulsions from which originate they are very difficult to state it.

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Bijay Kant Dubey 03 May 2022

They come out from a silence, where do they come from, none can say ti about. Words never end they, keep it coming.

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Bijay Kant Dubey 03 May 2022

Words, how the texture of them, how are the words netted and woven into? How do words mesmerize? An obsession with words, a poet's obsession, how to put it before and present for a worldview?

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Bijay Kant Dubey 25 January 2020

Words come out from the depth of silence, but take a turn when they are used and applied in to suit different purposes and propositions. The poetess asking us be beware of forbids us to take them lightly as these can be volcanic and cooling too. The words come from the depth of the heart. The same too may from the heart of a lover passionately in love with.

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Bijay Kant Dubey 24 January 2020

Words, words, a tryst with words, poetical words which do not seem to be stopping, almost growing up with time just like the leaves grow on the branches of the trees and its twigs similar thew case with a poetry-writer. Poetry to put it otherwise is a trail of words and images. As the trains with the bogies tumble down so the carts of poetic images.

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Kamala Das

Kamala Das

Punnayurkulam, Thrissur District in Kerala
follow poet
Kamala Das
Punnayurkulam, Thrissur District in Kerala
follow poet
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