Emmanuel George Cefai

Emmanuel George Cefai

Victoria, Gozo
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Emmanuel George Cefai
Victoria, Gozo
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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Woman Of The Wrinkled Brows Comments

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of the wrinkled brows
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Emmanuel George Cefai
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Daniel Brick 06 December 2014

You identified this poem as a poem about aging. and it certainly illustrates that in the woman's appearance and behavior. It is also a sharp, incisive character sketch of an old woman, seemingly in search of something. She has probably forgotten the object of her search but the search still goes on, a tribute to the energy which animates her aged being. Her unwillingness to surrender to fatigue or futility are an inspiration. (A character in Orson Welles's film CITIZEN KANE says, OLD AGE IS THE ONLY DISEASE YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE CURED OF.)

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 30 November 2014

Aging a great disease with no medicine a nice poem thank you

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Emmanuel George Cefai

Emmanuel George Cefai

Victoria, Gozo
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Emmanuel George Cefai
Victoria, Gozo
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