Meta_forums Of Meta_Birdology
Indian philosophy with experimental realities of gap in new multi-universal civilization in the context of contemporary human life_machine in the darkest light of winter nights and the human diseases of their own experiences and others to make the process poetics of being
And becoming process of wisdom liberation momentum beyond the process of observing cotextuality in this war of Ideasmith and formsmith to the life of poetics brings solitudinal wisdom distilled
Out of experiential morality and highly sensational wisdom liberation scope of the collective/subjective university of poetry and of semiotics to thread the present gift of impermanent nowness layered actualities in the archeology
Of truth_posttruth architecture and earthen reality gaming energy throughout aeons and through the concept of apoetic mind acts as the world of geometric dimension and the realization of scientific uncertainties and the possibilities of the algebraic unknowns process artshow on the postcontemporary poetics of being in futurology and in new normality of the 21st century's Venture to reality liberation storied without actualization processes of the wings and the wind of change.
Truth_posttruth eyes with dilence and the smile of the present doors.
Who knows? , ?
A heap of satirical snows makes a difference of revolutionary wisdom tour.
A quiet mountain of the pistconceptual method and truth version In the darkest hours under the
Sky of birdological concept liberation towards wisdom liberation
Reality bow and arrow.
The archer in the forest meditating silence of the encyclopedia of life experiences written with asemic conceptualist's writing marks in the 21st century's cultural shifts of impermanent nowness in being And becoming and nonbeings and nonbeings are the most difficult circumstances to be performed like the one
That has been done for the purpose of extending local scope of reality distilled
Out of understanding, of Selfrealization and liberation movements for the future of humanity and of experimental_theorectical environment of explanations.
Nyein Way
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
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