Why Are You Running Away From Me? ! Poem by Ali Rahimi

Ali Rahimi

Ali Rahimi

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Ali Rahimi
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Why Are You Running Away From Me? !

Why are you running away from me?
What would you fancy me to be?
I can be your loyal drone, you the queen and me the worker bee,
Your errand boy, doing all boring legwork, in glee,
All hard household chore, all drudgery,
Not in sadness and melancholy but in rapture and hilarity,
Working for you on farms, deserts, constructions, mines, you see?
Without any credit cards, hotels, awards, absolutely no fee!
Free of charge, free of fund, free,
A strong tireless laborer for nothing, for free, for free!
Why are you running away from me?
Listening to your powerful words on my knee,
Aware of your serious vital decree,
With my prestigious university degree!
Following your commands in a flash, in a jiffy,
Yes I am an Alfa lover, an Alfa Lover,
I know I am the last person on earth you’d like to see,
The last soul with whom you agree, what’s wrong with me? !
Why are you running away from me?
I reckon you just want to flee,
From here and now, to future unchained, no shackles around your knees,
Like a freebee,
No bounds, bonds, that’s what you foresee?
But that darling, you can never guarantee,
Listen, I am your faithful friend, your devotee,
Your desert bush, your palm, your pine, deep forest tree,
I have taken refuge to your heart, I am your refugee,
Resorted to your hugs, and kisses, stay with me, don’t flee!
Seems I am not the invitee,
Why are you running away from me?
Suffering day and night in your love camp, waiting, why don’t you believe?
Yes, honey! You are the judge, the referee,
The Dracon or dragon, I am the culprit, the rejectee,
Or probably the monkey, Nigerian eggplant or a chimpanzee?
You don’t give a rat’s ars to my plea,
You want to break free? Free? Free? Who am I to disagree? !
Why are you running away from me? ! …

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love,women
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Ali Rahimi

Ali Rahimi

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Ali Rahimi
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