Why Are Hearts Not Made Of Stone Poem by Juan Olivarez

Juan Olivarez

Juan Olivarez

nyssa oregon
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Juan Olivarez
nyssa oregon
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Why Are Hearts Not Made Of Stone

Rating: 5.0

Why are hearts not made of stone?
Strong as Gibraltar,
mighty as Kilimanjaro,
Impenetrable, as the Amazon.
And not flimsy,
As a chrystal vase,
As delicate as a butterfly,
As tender as a rose.
There must be a reason,
Why the creator,
made it such.
But I being imperfect,
And only human,
Can only lament,
The choice.

5/9/12 Alton Texas

Valerie Dohren 09 May 2012

Stone is hard and cold, which the human heart is not, and therefore is easily broken. Good one, well written.

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 27 May 2012

Hearts are not made of stone because men were meant to feel love - otherwise we would never be here at all and Adam & Eve would have only one son left.

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Smoky Hoss 13 May 2012

I've often wondered the same my friend. Why can't the heart be tough enough to repel the waste of the world? But, if it was then how could it absorb the wonder? Wonderful poem (as always) , and absolutely soul-level questions.

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Many of our professions need our hearts to be stone, other wise soldiers would not shoot someone whose heart is really penetrable, on the operation theater, the surgeon would not take the knives, the judges would not deliver the judgement, so we should not have the stone hearts when we are with our loved ones... An interesting poem that has made me to think deeper! Thank you..

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Eric Cockrell 09 May 2012

it is the vulnerability of the heart that gives it life... a beautiful poem, well written.

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Heather Wilson 09 May 2012

It is to be hoped hearts will repair in time if broken, now stone, well-- I`ve known a few people who seem to have a heart of stone though, a lovely poem.

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Juan Olivarez

Juan Olivarez

nyssa oregon
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Juan Olivarez
nyssa oregon
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