Whole Man Salvation Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Whole Man Salvation

Elijah rose chariot aflame
Enoch was found no more
Both progressed in Jesus’ name
Quite whole through Heaven’s door

The Seed of God from David’s root
Came down to die on earth
Only in death a seed bears fruit
Giving to many birth

God’s Seed not only saves the soul
Not only sets us free
But makes the body firm and whole
That humbly bows the knee

If we like eagles learn to fly
Would soar on Jesus’ breath
Our bodies too, once bound to die
Will feel no kiss on death -1Th.4: 17

Yet sceptics say, this can’t be true
The soul alone God saves
But if Christ died for me and you –Isa.53: 1-12
There’ll be no need for graves –Ps.49: 8-9

For just like Christ we too shall be –Ro.8: 29
In body heart and soul
When Jesus died to make us free
God’s Lamb ascended whole

No body in the tomb was found –Jn.20: 1-9
Just linen in a heap
The whole of Christ was Heaven bound
No part of Him would sleep –Ps.16: 10

Our body must be saved as well –Ro.12: 1
Festooned with truth and love
Restored to walk from death and hell
To live with Christ above…

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Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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