Whispers Poem by Nancy Crossman

Nancy Crossman

Nancy Crossman

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Nancy Crossman
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Rating: 5.0

Blissful whispers, the ebbing tide,
A sated lover’s sigh.
Scintillating breeze against my cheek,
Teasing me with warm salty breath,
I whisper secrets; she listens,
My precious trusted friend,
She understands my troubles and fears,
Offers me hopes and dreams.
Gazing at her magnificence,
I am but a grain of sand,
She is my sanctuary,
A sacred temple for my thoughts,
Without judgement, she comforts,
Ever unchanging, ever extraordinary,
Nature’s most precious gift – the sea.

Ted M 13 August 2009

Vow! you have a great friend there. Lovely flow of thoughts. Well written....10+++

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Ivor Hogg 14 August 2009

The sea is a jealous mistress M 'lady

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Deborah Cromer 17 August 2009

Beautiful and enchanting! With a touch of mystery! You create beauty with imagination and talent. Good job! :) DC

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Afzal Shauq 16 August 2009

She understands my troubles and fears, Offers me hopes and dreams. Gazing at her magnificence, I am but a grain of sand, She is my sanctuary, A sacred temple for my thoughts, Without judgement, she comforts, Ever unchanging, ever extraordinary, Nature’s most precious gift – the sea. what a great, sweet and poetic way done whispers.. really its heart feeling poem dont in a very much melodic way written..liked the style you write or compose the words and verses..enjoyed this poem and read few times..well done 10/10

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Siddharth Singh 16 August 2009

Brilliantly written. Breathtaking in its premise. Without a doubt a 10.

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Graham Russell 15 August 2009

an enchaning tale.. to sea.. :)

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Aziz Alkaabi 14 August 2009

This is how mysterious this site can be! ! All of a sudden, A great poem like this one is revealed.

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Nancy Crossman

Nancy Crossman

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Nancy Crossman
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