Where The Mountains Meet The Sea Poem by Dee Daffodil

Dee Daffodil

Dee Daffodil

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Dee Daffodil
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Where The Mountains Meet The Sea

Rating: 4.5

Yes, I know,
It was inevitable.

Even though,
We love each other,

We know,
We really, must soon go.

So, we'll part our ways,
And lives our lives alone.

You feel at ease on a mountain top,
But I prefer a sandy beach.

You like the mountain air,
I prefer a salty breeze.

And so it is, that you must go,
Where tall trees grow and rivers flow.

And I in turn, will go my way,
Where seagulls soar over a sunlit bay.

Perhaps, someday, we'll meet again,
And talk of happy times.

Where salty breezes sway tall trees...
And the mountains meet the sea.

-Written by Dee Daffodil (H.W, July 6,1982)

Brian Dorn 04 May 2006

Dee, an amazing poem with a beautiful ending! Well done! ! Brian

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Duncan Wyllie 04 May 2006

Beautiful imagery from a fine writer of words, Love Duncan

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Aisha Sherazi 05 May 2006

Absolutely amazing, no choice but to give you a 10! Love Aisha

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Dan Tharp 06 May 2006

I have known such wistful longing... of facing the inevitable. I like this poem, Dee. dan

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R H 06 May 2006

Loved the flow and rhythm here Dee, a tale of love divided, two viewpoints clearly seen. Kind regards, Justine.

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David Threadgold 17 September 2008

Hi Dee. Theres always a chance of meeting again werever it may be. Thanks for the read Regards Dave T

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Esther Leclerc 01 August 2006

A little bit of wistfulness in facing the truth, this is a graceful write. The final lines provide the perfect end/beginning... Esther: ]

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Nalini Hebbar 03 July 2006

wow...this is your best so far...diehard romantic...thats dee daffodil...just like your name...lovely...love..nalini

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leo conway 26 June 2006

very romantic. i was reading some other poems you've written, i like them a lot. you're a great poet. leo

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Mary Nagy 29 May 2006

What a romantic poem. Even if it is sad......the romance is very powerful and you can't help but root for these lovers. Another beautiful poem! Sincerely, Mary

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Dee Daffodil

Dee Daffodil

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Dee Daffodil
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