Where Have All The Kisses Gone? Poem by Witch Baby

Witch Baby

Witch Baby

The Universe
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Witch Baby
The Universe
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Where Have All The Kisses Gone?

Where have all the kisses gone?
I remember kisses like lightning
Sweeter then chocolate
More beautiful then sunsets

Kisses that tasted like spring
Opening my heart like a flower
Thirsty for the rain, hungry for the sun
Begging for the only divine sustenance I knew

Where have all the kisses gone?
Did we leave them down at the beaches where we used to swim?
Have they been washed away by the tide
Ghosts left on cold forgotten beaches

Did we leave them at the dance hall?
Did the music drown them out?
Sweating out the taste of them on my lips
Pounding them away with a crash of cymbals, the slide of guitar

I run away
Searching for the love we lost
Looking inside every enchanted place
Pools and bars, hotels and alley ways

I miss you with every moment
Like I miss the kisses we shared
I don't want to lose them, or you
But I find us distant, older, tired

Where have all the kisses gone?

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Witch Baby

Witch Baby

The Universe
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Witch Baby
The Universe
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