When I Think About Myself Poem by Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou

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Maya Angelou
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When I Think About Myself

Rating: 4.5

When I think about myself,
I almost laugh myself to death,
My life has been one great big joke,
A dance that's walked
A song that's spoke,
I laugh so hard I almost choke
When I think about myself.

Sixty years in these folks' world
The child I works for calls me girl
I say 'Yes ma'am' for working's sake.
Too proud to bend
Too poor to break,
I laugh until my stomach ache,
When I think about myself.

My folks can make me split my side,
I laughed so hard I nearly died,
The tales they tell, sound just like lying,
They grow the fruit,
But eat the rind,
I laugh until I start to crying,
When I think about my folks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration
Elizabeth Okonkwo 23 February 2016

Beautiful poetry.

19 10 Reply
Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek 16 February 2016

They grow the fruit, But eat the rind, I laugh until I start to crying, When I think about my folks. Your Folk no more grow the fruit and eat the rind. The land is theirs and the fruit they grow they eat and share others. Great poem

20 9 Reply
Nakitta LAWRENCE 31 May 2016


17 11 Reply
Tooba Mahmood 10 December 2016

Once againn beautiful poetry

22 5 Reply
Adama Suso 26 October 2018

I Love Your Poems So Much

7 4 Reply
lily 23 March 2022

great poem i like it

0 0 Reply
Dr Antony Theodore 04 August 2020

I laughed so hard I nearly died, The tales they tell, sound just like lying, They grow the fruit, But eat the rind, They eat the rind. a fine poem. tony

2 0 Reply
Benjamin Debrah 21 July 2020

Maya Angelou's self reflection is what makes her poems live in the minds of readers...these reflections are also done with extreme candor

2 0 Reply
gayb itches 05 March 2020

deep man very deep broke my heart i'm crying right now # crying in the chat f in the chat

0 3 Reply
John Agandin 09 January 2020

This is deep stuff. To be digested slowly, not gulped in a hurry!

6 0 Reply
Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou

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Maya Angelou
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