what The Hell Was That? Poem by Gomer LePoet

Gomer LePoet

Gomer LePoet

Yoville, USA
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Gomer LePoet
Yoville, USA
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what The Hell Was That?

Rating: 2.8

What the Hell was That?

I was walkin home late last nite,
I heard this weird noise,
What the hell was that?

Saw a cat drive by on a large motorcyle,
he honked his horn,
What the hell was that?

Saw I guy on the TeleVision,
talking bout his pants on the ground, whao,
What the hell was that?

Reached inside my bluejean pocket,
pulled out a big alligator,
What the hell was that?

On my head was a coonskin hat,
looked like Davy Crockett,
What the hell was that?

My wife said she was leaving me
for a toothless old man, wow,
What the hell was that?

A gorgeous naked woman came to my door,
said she was my lover,
What the hell was that?

Saw a pig the other day, on an elevator
he winked at me,
What the hell was that?
What the hell was that?
What the hell was that?

Gomer LePoet...

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Gomer LePoet

Gomer LePoet

Yoville, USA
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Gomer LePoet
Yoville, USA
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