What Success Is.(Translation Of My Poem As A Prose By Brian Johnston) Poem by tanya gupta

tanya gupta

tanya gupta

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tanya gupta
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What Success Is.(Translation Of My Poem As A Prose By Brian Johnston)

Rating: 3.8

What Success Is…..

Success is: when your beliefs bear fruit in the world and make your life better, when your thoughts are considered valuable by others.

Success is: fighting for dreams you believe in, not pursuing dreams that are not yours.

Success is: indifferent to fortune or fame, following your bliss is the only rule.

Success is: not a money chaser. One’s reputation always comes first.

Success is: more likely to be yours if you are willing to work for it. Show others you believe in yourself before you ask them to help.

Success is: not a goal to put off till tomorrow. You should visualize the steps required to attain it and express them as clearly as possible for others to see.

Success is: having a dream that really comes true, not simply waiting for others to give it to you.

Success is: not a game you play at, but a truth you live

Success is: realizing the fruit of your own labor by having the patience to let the work of your hands mature into a bountiful garden and not harvesting anything before its time.

Success is: first doing no harm on the way to your goal. Success is respecting all contributions both big and small, God’s gifts that you were able to make use of, and the people that lent you a hand.

Success is: a poem that strives just to teach the value of life without talking down to others by preaching.

this is the prose form of my poem -WHAT SUCCESS IS- by brian johnston.

thankyou so much MR.BRIAN JOHNSTON for embedding such lofty words and enhancing the beauty and meaning of my poetry..
i have no words to convey my happiness in getting this attention from you all..

thankyou so much especially Mr. brian johnston..
Abekah Emmanuel 17 August 2014

powerful collaboration..... you have indeed spelled out the true meaning of success while still maintaining a poetic nature. well done!

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Maria Goodison 20 May 2014

excellent I like this one a lot

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Biplab Singha 15 May 2014

Very precious poem this is. Great and excellent.

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 03 May 2014

A motivational poem on success in a fine didactic style i liked.

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Colleen Courtney 02 May 2014

And your poem is quite successful! Great job with this! Added to my list of favorites!

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tanya gupta

tanya gupta

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tanya gupta
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