What Success Is? Poem by tanya gupta

tanya gupta

tanya gupta

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tanya gupta
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What Success Is?

Rating: 3.2

success is the success of beliefs and thoughts,
success is the battle which have been saught.
success is not about getting fame and name,
but reaching the hieghts being the same.
success doesn't mean to get money,
but to remain as sweet as sugar and honey.
success comes if you chase it harder,
and an honest try is its starter.
success is not the thing to be waited,
but a depiction to be stated.
success is the dream which comes true,
when napping goes away from you.
success is not a game of letters,
but a truth which really matters.
success is the fruit of one's life,
which takes a lot of patience to hive.
success doesn't come by being ahead from all,
but to respect the things, from big to small.
this is the poem for success to preach,
the real value of life which it uses to teach.

Friday, February 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: success
this is to know what success really is, we think that being succesfull means having heavy bank balance,4 or 5 servants who may roam around and most importantly if we are known by the surroundings. but i think we have only one life and only one chance to be successfull, so for the sake of this one chance we should first become successfull inside ourselves then for the world because when one dies he remembers the deeds he had done throughout his life not his bank balance or any thing else and being successful inside is just about being great..thanks, hope this poem will effect you all..
John Brown 23 April 2014

A nice poem Tanya. The rhyming is unusual in places, and there are a few spelling errors, but the sense of the poem isn't affected - I get the message.

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 28 February 2014

Success is a very relative matter....tanya......though you have composed it in your concept nonetheless better.....

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Vivek Vikram Singh 01 March 2014

Very well written piece of writing.A true depiction of what success is! !

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Md Asadullah 02 March 2014

This is one of your best poems tanya, frankly speaking this type of poem is not expected from girl of your age, kudos!

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Eleonora Nieuwjaar 10 March 2014

Yes it did. Thanks for sharing. [3

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Pranab K Chakraborty 22 December 2014

Tried much to illustrate success with rhyme. Nice your project to demonstrate the subject. I request you to read my poem about success...I AM SUCCESSFUL MAN

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Paul Sebastian 19 December 2014

I must congratulate you for your profound understanding of what true success is. That at your age! I feel happy and proud to read your poem. Your lines rhyme and flow well. You are gifted, keep writing, Tanya.

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Thomas Duncky 03 December 2014

success doesn't mean to get money, but to remain as sweet as sugar and honey. read this again and t feel good still

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Geetha Jayakumar 09 July 2014

Beautiful poem Tanya. Success is what we feel good at heart. I loved reading each lines...

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Vishal Sharma 24 April 2014

path breaking and blockbuster poetry.....! ! !

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tanya gupta

tanya gupta

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tanya gupta
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