What Is My Life? Poem by Tony Giannotti

Tony Giannotti

Tony Giannotti

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Tony Giannotti
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What Is My Life?

What is My Life? I really don't know?
Up and down, here and there, to and fro.
No strength, energy or on fire passion,
Just filled with music and outdated fashion.

I see myself through the window,
I see a Man who's frail with no glow.
The window strikes back like daggers in my heart,
And I feel my entire body being torn apart.

Jesus is My Lord who guides me on my journey,
Helps me through each day, much better than my attorney.
In my Room like solitary confinement,
Wishing I could see clearly and feel refinement.

Existing means feeling happy and even peaceful,
So why can't I smile and feel deceitful.
Looking through my past and things I have done,
Knowing that I could have been a better son.

What is My Life? I'm just not sure
Like fighting Cancer and searching for a cure.
So I keep on living and do the best I can,
And do my very best to be a better Man.

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Tony Giannotti

Tony Giannotti

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Tony Giannotti
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