What Is A Rhyme? Poem by Georgette Innes-Brown

Georgette Innes-Brown

Georgette Innes-Brown

Boca Raton, Florida
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Georgette Innes-Brown
Boca Raton, Florida
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What Is A Rhyme?

A rhyme is the passing of time
Joy in knowing you mine
A rhyme is awakening each day
And smelling roses along your way
A rhyme is blue skies above
And having you to love

A rhyme makes each day a delight
And seeing the moon and stars at night
A rhyme is music when one is blue
And sharing a life with you
A rhyme is having a dear friend
And sharing joys without end

A rhyme is hearing the chirp of a bird
And all natures sounds that are heard
A rhyme is clear on a day of rain
And to live without pain
A rhyme is a scientist working a cure
To save us all - both rich and poor

A rhyme is my cat chasing a mouse
And a puppy sharing my house
A rhyme is being able to get out of bed
And knowing no more tears to be shed
A rhyme is knowing Eddie Lou Cole
To bring poets out of their dole

A rhyme is meeting those who care
And knowing of rhymes we share
A rhyme is our life here today
And having poets show us the way
A rhyme is our gift of love
Bestowed on us by God above

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Georgette Innes-Brown

Georgette Innes-Brown

Boca Raton, Florida
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Georgette Innes-Brown
Boca Raton, Florida
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