What Is A Hero? Poem by Chrispin Johnson

Chrispin Johnson

Chrispin Johnson

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Chrispin Johnson
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What Is A Hero?

Rating: 5.0

Never did I ever think of the definition of a hero.
Is a hero someone who defends the innocent who can’t defend themselves?

Does a hero need's to be arcane? Is a hero someone who thinks of others first?

Is a hero someone who faces dangers in times of peril despite all the odds? Is a hero someone who goes that little extra mile against all odds to make the world a better place?

Are heroes seen as heroes because they are intellectual, strong, fast, braves’ danger or because they are arcane? No, a hero is someone who is hopeful in times when seen as all hope is gone, although hope may be frail it’s hard to kill.

A hero is someone who fights all kind of injustice but also who is merciful. A hero is someone who is compassionate to others needs and difficulties, someone who is loyal to fighting injustice and sincere in what they are doing but with wisdom.

Show me a person with the attributes of being merciful, compassionate, loyal, sincere and wise and I will not only show you a hero but a Legend.

Anita Blake 21 August 2007

hey really liked this piece, great job!

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Sally Plumb Plumb 09 October 2012

Good script.

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Anna jonson 08 October 2008

a hero is someone who is brave enough to tell the truth not something very hard i guess but most are afraid to do so waaaaaw goood poem

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Susan Bagley 02 June 2008

Very deep perception you have for one so young. It will serve you well in a lifetime of poetry writing. Nice. Susan

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Jerrica Juarez 27 March 2008

I fell in love with this one chris....the words touched me.....your poem is a true defintion of a hero..

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perfect everglade 12 March 2008

this is a really great poem! it's true, heros can come in any shape or size.

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Chrispin Johnson

Chrispin Johnson

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Chrispin Johnson
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