Welcome To Hell Poem by Lance Carthen

Lance Carthen

Lance Carthen

Mineral Wells, TX
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Lance Carthen
Mineral Wells, TX
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Welcome To Hell

When I close my eyes and go to sleep its following me.
A human skull on three spiny legs crawling towards me.

My concious mind isnt quite right and its bothering me.
I cant decide wrong from right these visions from my dreams.

Welcome to hell...
Welcome to hell...

She lay asleep next to me peaceful and content.
Hell has arrived there's fire outside and its trying to get it.

They start to walk through the walls, red eyes filled with hate.
Gone in dreams on her back she lays with a smile on her face.

Welcome to hell...
Welcome to hell...

Lost track of time all these thoughts not mine, all these visions yet to be.
Payment for crimes is it the end of my times, have I lost my sanity?

There is no leaving when the devils receiving those of the sinful mind.
In the fiery depths of concentration camps he waits for you to die.

Welcome to hell...
Welcome to hell.

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Lance Carthen

Lance Carthen

Mineral Wells, TX
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Lance Carthen
Mineral Wells, TX
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