Welcome To Addiction Poem by Ryan Lee Morris

Ryan Lee Morris

Ryan Lee Morris

St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
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Ryan Lee Morris
St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
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Welcome To Addiction

Rating: 5.0

Welcome to Addiction.
I hope you stay awhile.
The cost for you to watch my show,
Is your life, your freedom, your smile.
You don't have to pay it all up front.
You can pay it as you go.
The more you come, the longer you stay,
The better your seat will be, for the show.
Act One is a comedy of errors.
It looks like a lot of fun.
Watch all your cares just disappear,
The story's just begun.
In Act Two the story tightens it's grip
You stay buckled to your seat
Make yourself very comfortable my friend,
You're in for such a treat!
Act Three you begin to lose yourself,
Disappearing bit by bit.
The more of yourself you give away,
The harder it becomes to quit.
Act Four you push away those you love.
You back deeper in your cage.
The joyous laughter, you once had,
Begins to turn to rage.
Act Five, you are completely gone.
Now you're just an empty shell.
Act Six, the curtain opens up,
You're completely engulfed in hell.
You've burned your life down to the ground,
Not an ounce of peace remains,
The angel that did once exist,
Has been completely slain.
So now you are my demon.
You're just a puppet in my play.
I bet that you had never thought,
You'd be the star one day.
The final curtain closes,
You take your final breath,
My screenplay called Addiction,
Is the story of your death.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction
Chinedu Dike 29 December 2019

Really a blow by blow stages of addiction aptly depicted in persuasive expressions with conviction. An insightful work of art. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched. Please have a look at my poem, THE ABYSS OF DRUG ADDICTION.

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Jazib Kamalvi 11 September 2019

Wow! Great poetry, Ryan. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Charmaine Simpson 10 September 2019

This is a great interpretation of addiction. Well written.

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Ryan Lee Morris

Ryan Lee Morris

St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
follow poet
Ryan Lee Morris
St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
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