We Will Miss You... Poem by JoAnn McGrath

JoAnn McGrath

JoAnn McGrath

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JoAnn McGrath
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We Will Miss You...

Rating: 5.0

We will Miss You...

We will miss you...
...but we won't forget
Your soft caring voice
that resonated for love of a quiet moment
with anyone and everyone
Why a Doctor fit you so well
We could picture you doing
...nothing else...
(Maybe a 'Man of God'
you were close enough)

We will miss you...
...but we won't forget
That half look, half cracked smile
...at first...
turn into a beam with your signature chuckle
Your teddy bear hugs
That made anyone feel comfortable
...to linger longer...
Like a child wanting to hear more
of their favorite bedtime story

We will miss you...
...but we won't forget
For we know you have your wings
And your quiet ways will whisper in our memories
We are all better for knowing you
and having you in our lives
You filled a spot that was empty in our hearts
and it spills over into retold stories
...so we won't forget

Dedicated to Dr. Bruce Urbanc (1951 - 2008)

May God welcome you to His table with open arms
and to His joyous everlasting feast were tears are forever wiped away

1 June 2008

© 2008 (All rights reserved)

Thad Wilk 02 June 2008

A touching and lovely poem and tribute you have written JoAnn, thank you for sharing! Best always, friend Thad *10*!

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Stary Night 02 June 2008

great poem i love it its really really good keep it up! !

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Stary Night 02 June 2008

great poem i love it its really really good keep it up! !

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Stary Night 02 June 2008

great poem i love it its really really good keep it up! !

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Aury Cecile 02 June 2008

This is a great poem because everyone who has lost someone can realte to it in some sort of way. Great writing. If you have time, I would love it if i could have your opinion on my poems. thanks.

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JoAnn McGrath

JoAnn McGrath

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JoAnn McGrath
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