War And Peace Poem by Paul Sebastian

Paul Sebastian

Paul Sebastian

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Paul Sebastian
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War And Peace

Rating: 5.0

Nefarious war, killing of innocents
Bloodied, injured and dead children
Screaming mothers, widows, in agony
Beat their breast, wishing to die in this infamy
Missile-blasted homes wrecked, climax despair
Horrific smashed-down structures stare
At barbaric primordial man glorifying war
Hasn't man through ages learnt at all?
Thousands lost lives, yet thirst for more!
What is there to gain at the end of it all?
What price to pay for territorial security?
Why this display of power superiority?
Does God ask for blood sacrifice at the altar of war?
Could cleansing of any kind be correcting God's flaw?
God's Command: ‘Thou shall not kill, ' is fatally flawed!
Crimes against humanity!
Man's insane vanity!
Can man go to war for sake of peace?
Can man's greed for power be appeased?
Man crawling back into ancient mentality!
Appalling international community's passivity!

Nations against nations, floods, natural disasters,
Famine, diseases, man playing god and masters!
Are all these signs of the Times?
Would man who can hear, hear, when He comes?

Pray God Almighty, God of Mercy and Peace
To intervene, and restore earth's peace!

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: war and peace
It about the price paid in wars in Gaza, Iraq, Libya, Ceylon and other parts of the world. The price of peace is payable but the price of war is not!
Akhtar Jawad 20 August 2014

Pray God Almighty, God of Mercy and Peace To intervene, and restore earth's peace! Aameen. A great poem, no doubt crimes against humanity are man's insane vanity.

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Valsa George 07 August 2014

Crimes against humanity! Man's insane vanity! These two lines sum up the whole issue! Man is insane and simply vain.....! ! ! To establish his superiority and to satisfy his selfish ends, he is ready to do anything...... The amount of suffering it unleashes..... of this he is least concerned! From time immeorial wars have been fought but always at the defeat of peace and joyful living! Only a divine intervention can bring about a change of heart! Great write!

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Paul Sebastian

Paul Sebastian

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Paul Sebastian
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