Wanton Woman Poem by Meggie Gultiano

Meggie Gultiano

Meggie Gultiano

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Meggie Gultiano
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Wanton Woman

Rating: 5.0

I last saw you on frames
Worshiped by gods and demi-gods
Now, you walk once again
In my path for sympathy
Wanton woman
How i envy your beauty
Yet cry for your sorrows

Could this be a weakness
Or just vanity
For i know in the end
It would be us
Walking in shades of green
For comfort and a fan
Or just an avid listener

Joseph Poewhit 01 April 2009

Women get that fear when the men stop looking.

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Lynda Robson 01 April 2009

An excellent write Meggie, thanks for the read, 10 Lynda xx

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C.R. Clark 02 April 2009

This is a very well written and meaningful poem, Meggie. A real joy to read.Thanks Richard

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Ernestine Northover 02 April 2009

An interesting write Meggie, gets better with each read. Well done. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Bob Blackwell 04 April 2009

Fame is but fleeting moments in the end we are only human. Loved this one Meggie 10/10

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John Knight 20 November 2009

Hi Meggie Angel - Intriguing Title - lovely poem - I score it TEN. Verse One: Women have great power over men over society - it is based on beauty, brians, breeding and often their degree of 'wantoness' as Courtesans as Escourts as Trophy Brides of the Rich & famous as Class A List Party Women. We do envy them - but in the end they are only human and in a time of crisis they always turn to the Pure &Spiritual Woman (like you Meggie!) for help. Verse Two: The Weaknes and the Vanity is both with the Wanton Woman and the one alongside to hepl - it is a moral dilema but we can't be too judgemental in the end it is US. We walk together the Sinner & the Saint - Green is the neutral colour and has more shades than any other colour so it enables the weak (morally) and the strong (morally) to walk togther and blend. One seeking comfort and the other giving comfort but also getting a frisson from the association 'a FAN' or - as becomes a good Counsellor 'Just an avid listener'. Love you in Poetry - JOHN

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Ravi A 13 September 2009

Gods have no business in a wanton woman. Gods are only the mental making of man and if any god has had any business with a wanton woman, then, it is only the business of man. Once we fix the identity of god as pure and eternal, he cannot be limited as having all the whims and fancies of a man. Wanton woman- in life, any kind of person is possible. Actually, who abandons whom? So long as empathy is missing in us, this can be an eternal story.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 13 September 2009

Could this be a weakness Or just vanity For i know in the end It would be us Walking in shades of green For comfort and a fan Or just an avid listener.no wonder we all know womanhas decisive role to play.. i love the woman to the extent that they inseprable part of life and can't be disregarded aor washed away... i like the spirit of the poem....10 read mine o, mother...mom i miss u...mom i cry eventoday... mother and i wept....

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Hazem Al Jaber 09 September 2009

no wonders why all readers and poets liked this piece, , its really so amazing.. short and full of amazing meanings.. congratulations! hazem al..

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Sandra Fowler 09 September 2009

Your wanton woman glitters with mystery and glamour. No wonder she received applause. May I add mine as well? Excellent, my dear friend. Love, SandraX

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Meggie Gultiano

Meggie Gultiano

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Meggie Gultiano
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