Walking The Edge. Poem by Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

in Cornwall U.K.
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Fay Slimm
in Cornwall U.K.
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Walking The Edge.

Rating: 5.0

Taking a stroll between land and sea, walking
Makes music, dances the song of life-force
In one easy stage. Decisions seem forked
Only when pathways cross swords, aborting
Our essence of choice. Before that, amble
And sheer variety wll gently take hold
Of our hand, as we edge toward gambling.
Take life's offers, but pick only pure gold.
Walking edgeside will not always produce
Perfection, but it will have it's uses.

Bob Gibson 18 June 2009

I've walked the walk between night and day lost many chances that have been my way went down roads with no return have lived my life but my fingers burn! would i tread the same path again? food for thought Fay!

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Ashraful Musaddeq 14 June 2009

'Walking edgeside will not always produce Perfection, but it will have it's uses.' More than wonderful poem.10+

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James Mclain 14 June 2009

Perhaps the halo of dream as such wraps the gold in side of it, the you, to hang on to it with vision of sight....iip..softly it dreams..

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Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

in Cornwall U.K.
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Fay Slimm
in Cornwall U.K.
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