~ Walking Angel ~ Poem by Goldie Lopez

Goldie Lopez

Goldie Lopez

Staten Island, NY
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Goldie Lopez
Staten Island, NY
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~ Walking Angel ~

Rating: 5.0

You took your life in the end...
Now I've lost a lover and friend.
Did you even think...
how am I suppose to mend from a broken heart.
I guess you didn't think it though.
even though you committed suicide,
apart of me died with you

A sudden change it is to me
for not having you near.
Flipping through old photos, memories of us
now are more priceless than any money can buy.
I remembered your letter...
explaining yourself and why.
I thought you were getting better
though you felt alone.
How could I've missed your tears,
or ignore the aching pain you kept?
And how could you do this to yourself?
Where there no other options left..?
From the cries of an angle...
whose tears had no tone.
How could I not see that your laughter with me,
was masking all that you hid.
silent tears flowing, yet I didn't know,
I didn't know...

Tell me how I could stop your heart from breaking...
over and over again, on the down low!
When you felt hopeless and were withdrawn,
you never gave notice to any problems...
for I didn't see anything wrong.
I've got this jaded feeling which doesn't let up on me,
in between two worlds... I cry and grieve.
But I choose life, not death!
I choose you and me; I choose to live life free.
I wish I would have told you...
how I really felt and that I loved you so..!
Maybe if I did, you would still be here.

Too many moments...
with now a sad conclusion insight,
is the only way my heart will remember you.
So walking angel, gently sleep,
Now you're free, now you're free...
Too walk in peace..!

And I hope you know...
you'll always remain apart of me!

{This poem was also made for the young man who committed suicide over the internet. I have never known anyone that did that personally. So I thought about what his family and friends must have felt like and wrote a dedication for them. God Bless, and we are never alone. He is everywhere we are! }
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Goldie Lopez

Goldie Lopez

Staten Island, NY
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Goldie Lopez
Staten Island, NY
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