Unknown Soldier Poem by Marlin Nightingale

Marlin Nightingale

Marlin Nightingale

Oklahoma, United States
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Marlin Nightingale
Oklahoma, United States
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Unknown Soldier

Rating: 4.5

Soldier, here I stand and wonder, thinking of the distant thunder,
Of the cannons that once shook the very dirt beneath your feet,
Fire that split the sky above you, turning red what once had been blue,
What a war you were thrust into! Not a moments peace to keep!
Soldier brave your heart must be here! How elusive simple sleep!
Fighting; no reward you'll reap!

When the enemy was coming, through the smoke and mist was running,
And the early morning hour concealed the sun upon its throne,
There when darkest felt your spirit, there your visage fell, to hear it,
To hear the stamp of horse; and fear it, as ear you lay upon the stone!
Nameless soldier! How your radiant face with courage there hath shown!
Shall the battle ere' be done?

Soldier, who will know your valor? How that, never did you cower,
While the bayonet was stabbing and mad bullets pierced the air!
None will know the fateful story of your patriotic glory,
For your body saw a gory death, and nature showed no care.
Hence the war will be remembered yet forget its heroes fair,
Unknown soldiers, don't despair!

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Marlin Nightingale

Marlin Nightingale

Oklahoma, United States
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Marlin Nightingale
Oklahoma, United States
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