Unconditional Love Poem by Deependra Kumar Jha

Deependra Kumar Jha

Deependra Kumar Jha

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Deependra Kumar Jha
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Unconditional Love

Rating: 4.8

Whenever I’m in need,
you always stood by me
In the times of trouble,
during the moments of despair
You say, you’re my shadow,
that you will follow me forever

I love you so much,
but I hate shadows
Shadow grows and shrinks,
with fading light
I don’t want you to,
ever disappear from my sight

You urge me to be practical,
and come out of my illusions
Be someone real and strong,
don’t make castle of sands
As without a single warning,
life may slip from our hands

Nothing is timeless,
except the memories
Cherish every moment of togetherness,
and love without condition
Love that comes with a reason,
may vanish with changing season

I agree with you as always
but do you listen to what my heart says?

Patrick A. Martin 16 August 2009

Yes? we listen to your heart for those of us who have had to surrender know the language of the heart and how powerful it is. Great writing dear friend.

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C. P. Sharma 16 August 2009

Love that comes with a reason, may vanish with changing season Beautifully expressed! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CP

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dr veenaa rai 16 August 2009

i wrote a poem, pleadings of love on similar lines..love me, my beloved, for no reasons at all...

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Lady Grace 16 August 2009

'I agree with you as always but do you listen to what my heart says? '...hmmmmnice ending..do you listen what my heart says? ...

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~ Jon London ~ 16 August 2009

Lovely piece my friend....they who share the same value of what a heart gives to us all...Love......and the greatest of lifes feeling....beautiful work Deependra 10

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Rachel Butler 19 September 2009

Cherish every moment of togetherness, and love without condition Rachel Ann Butler

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Seema Chowdhury 23 August 2009

i hope your heart's voice reaches the heart of the one you are trying to get to. good luck, nice poem.

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Ency Bearis 18 August 2009

enchanting poem....well expressed emotion and written well....

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Obinna Eruchie 17 August 2009

A wonderful and a distinct way of penning a love poem.

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Kesav Easwaran 17 August 2009

Love that just accompanIes may leave at one time or other in life...love that gets immersed into, will never make a shadow through out your life journey...two different perspectives of love there...good work...thanks...10...

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Deependra Kumar Jha

Deependra Kumar Jha

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Deependra Kumar Jha
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