Ugly Poem by Sanchita Julka

Sanchita Julka

Sanchita Julka

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Sanchita Julka
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Rating: 5.0

Oh yes, you saw through my skin,
You did, you saw what no one did
And... awestruck you whispered
Belle, where were you hiding so long?
I could feel my heart beats pacing,
Army of butterflies unsettled in my stomach.
You wanted me to talk more
And i poured out every bit of me
Enamoured, you pulled out a dozen adjectives in praises of me!
Inner beauty is what drew you closer,
Is this what beauty do? The adrenaline rush!
I never knew, skipping a few heart beats could make you feel so alive!
We talked and talked, till words failed,
To express and explain enough.
Oh yes! It was a winters night
And this cloak on me was
Like a possessive lover to me..
Nay! No one can steal a look,
When he's all around me so much.
But now, it was that time, when
The moon should kiss the sun goodbye,
The moment of awaiting the dawn
And the veil should fall, the cloak unwrapped...
There was something so intense in that moment
Everything so much in blood and sweat..
The sensual darkness, fairytale and magic..
Till you paused.. no you stopped! !
Day-break and heart-break do make no noise.
And once again, belle she knew
Ugly and beautiful, can only dwell one at a time!

Monday, January 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: looks,satire
often external beauty decides the quotient of romance.
Dr Antony Theodore 12 February 2018

I could feel my heart beats pacing, Army of butterflies unsettled in my stomach.......inner beauty, There was something so intense in that moment Everything so much in blood and sweat.. expectic something fantastically romantic... but u end with the satirical ugly word. yes appearance and romance........ is your theme........... liked your poem very much.. tony

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Sanchita Julka 12 February 2018

thankyou for appreciating.

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Jazib Kamalvi 04 February 2018

Very impressive write, Sagarika. You may like to read my poem, Love And Lust. Thank you.

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Sanchita Julka

Sanchita Julka

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Sanchita Julka
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