Tut! I Shut My Senses And Human Fleas Drop Dead (Villenelle) Poem by Harindhar Reddy

Tut! I Shut My Senses And Human Fleas Drop Dead (Villenelle)

Rating: 4.0

I shut my senses and human fleas drop dead,
I unleashed my thoughts life rolled back with men,
I swear in the rat race We're often misled.

Abruptly, a dark horse galloped in to lead,
like hen in poultry, we live in the den,
I shut my eyes and human fleas drop dead.

Life is a theatre of absurd as Eliot said;
We're of reduced to the rubble and a light pen,
I swear in the rat race we're often misled.

Our characters aren't in realty grounded,
Power and purchase made us slaves five to ten,
I shut my senses and human fleas drop dead.

On evening faces cars whiff smoke and spread,
Meeting deadlines is an endless chase again;
I shut my senses and human fleas drop dead.

As insidous pressure mounts tears we shed,
A rat turned to a bat cried men to wren!
I shut my senses and human fleas drop dead,
I swear in the rat race we're often misled.

Friday, April 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: drama,lifestyle,senses,theatre
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Harindhar Reddy

Harindhar Reddy

Haliya, Hyderabad, India
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