True Love! Where Can I Find True Love? Poem by Jeline Loh

True Love! Where Can I Find True Love?

Dear true love, where do I look for you?
I know that it is not searchable because
It will come to you when the time is right
But when is the right time?
I know 19 is too young
According to most people
But i've waited for far too long
I've abstained from getting into a relationship
When all my friends jump from a relationship to another
I've never had one relationship before!
Yet i believe that my first one will be the one
The one that will last throughout eternity
I do believe in purity and innocence
I do want to have a good bf that is the right person from God
I want a pure relationship
I don't want to be like youth these days nor like my friends
I don't want to give myself to the one that is not right for me
I intend to give my virginity only on my wedding day to the right person!
Where do i look for this right person?
I'm not like others
I'm rather conservative and reserved although
I might look like an outgoing kinda chic!
So i would need a guy that would understand me!

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