True Love-Part 2 Poem by Solomon C. Jatta

Solomon C. Jatta

Solomon C. Jatta

18th february 1992
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Solomon C. Jatta
18th february 1992
follow poet

True Love-Part 2

Rating: 5.0

True love to me, my love
Is a feeling that does not move
It is but a fix pendulum
That roams the world
And after its dirty shining journey
It sleeps to rests
Till the next players come.

True love to me
Is a feeling that is an enemy
To color, race and tribe.
It is an advocate of peace
Between two enemy victims.

True love to me
Is a feeling that is blind to wealth, position and treasure
For wealth betrays like Judas
And fades like fake color,
All that true love
Knows is the treasure of the heart
That shall fade only with dust.

True love to me knows no beauty
Planted in the moving
For that beauty is but only treasure to the eye,
All it knows is anything
That gives the heart pleasure.

True love to me
Is a feeling that gives the heart treasure
Even when the body swim in lack.
True love is but a perfect food for the heart
That satisfies the body
By mere sight and words
Of a love one.

True love to me
Is love that swims and shines
In thorns, sickles and knives
Because it is like a flower
That blossoms in all seasons.
When rain comes it dances with the wind,
When the sand is sad
It smiles and laughs
Though its legs tremble.

True love to me
Is one that owns not only smiles and laughter
But also tears and sorrow.
Though the love shines in laughter
It does not depart when sorrow comes,
It stays to forever make the flower
Blossom and outlive others.

True love to me
Hates no black day it registered
But cherishes it in order to better tomorrow.
True love learns lessons
But never looks back on lost days,
It loves the present
And thrives to make unseen better days shine.

True Love-Part 2
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: true love
Chinedu Dike 28 June 2018

The essence and intricacies of true love are aptly captured in the piece. A beautiful creation. Thanks for sharing Solomon and do remain enriched.

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Solomon C. Jatta

Solomon C. Jatta

18th february 1992
follow poet
Solomon C. Jatta
18th february 1992
follow poet
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