Trail Of Dismay Poem by D.W. Good

D.W. Good

D.W. Good

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D.W. Good
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Trail Of Dismay

It was a strain to say a single word

As the world grew cold and dark

Retreat and pause both being absurd

As into the torment one must embark

Steps made with feet in stone

Banging, clubbing thuds that shake the heart

And looking to see what has not been shown

The reason for a walk which tears apart the art

That escapes sight until visible in retrospect

Frozen moment pictures of the begrudged journey

And regardless of the perspective, one’s or the other’s,

The Alexandrian like prestige of the trek lives on in the traveler

The one who alone endured its pace and terrain

The one who begged for relief and reprieve while in route to the lowest rung of the greatest steep

The one who would one day smile with proud swollen heart

For having crossed the rugged, lonely way

And weeping while walking, glimpsing the forming art

That settled in the past of the trail of dismay.

Dave Walker 07 October 2011

Good poem, really good. I liked it. May i imvite you to read My new poem called, powers that be.

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D.W. Good

D.W. Good

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D.W. Good
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