Tonight I Just Want To Cry Poem by Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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Kristin Nicole RothDavis
Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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Tonight I Just Want To Cry

Rating: 4.2

Tonight I'm not afraid to tell
As the minutes roll by, I say; what the hell!

Forgive me if I stutter due to all this clutter in my head
Wish you were here in this lonely bed

Instead the miles couldn't feel any further than what they are
Why the hell does something so good have to be so damn far? !

Not looking for attention, or someone's lousy pension
Been down this road before, don't have nothing to lose

We all have that right in love and life
Whether we decide to even choose

To believe or to walk away
Truthfully, I pray you'll consider to stay

I'm tired of being so damn tough
I just want to be the kind to let my feelings show

Being strong all the time, never letting go
Tonight I'm not afraid to try

As the longing and aching grows
I begin to lose self control

Tonight I just want to cry!
So much to look forward to, yet can't shake this aching heart

I feel so damn alone… a world apart
I've never been the kind to never let my feelings show

Tonight I say; to hell with it! Tonight I just want to let everyone know
My heart feels like it has been buried way below

This secured surface of familiarity and comfort
Reaching out for that desired support…

Is it so much to ask for the simple things in life
Why do I feel like I'm reaching out to the max

The opportunities, emotions, and connections are there, those are facts!
Racking my brain trying to reason with compromise

If you could look right now into my eyes
You and the rest would know instantly

For I raise my arms up to this complexed plea!

I know it's going to hurt bad before it gets better
Familiar with this two-way road I've traveled for years

I've never been the kind to allow just anyone to see these tears
Tonight I say; let go of this pain, to hell with this pride

I'm not going to hide these unwanted fears
Refusing to contain these feelings inside

I curl up alone in this bed and I try
To let it all out, for tonight I just want to cry!

Patricia Gale 14 October 2006

Oh Krisitn with your words my heart just wanted to cry with you. Let it out. Its not that we are weak only that we are human. Love Patricia

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Linda Ori 14 October 2006

Kristin - never be afraid or ashamed to let your feelings show. Acknowledge your fears so that others may help you carry that burden. It's OK to ask for comfort and someone to help you share your doubts and anger and frustration. When you share it lessens that burden for you, and when you share joy it doubles it. You are one strong and courageous gal, but I know it's tough to go it alone. We're all here for you and you're in our prayers, always.................... Peace and Love, Linda

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Chad Fisher 22 February 2007

Can I staple this poem to my ex's heart? (Hope she won't read that.) No, but seriously, this is a masterpiece in my estimation. Though your omen may not be these lines, these lines speak of the nature of the feelings I have had recently, 'Not looking for attention, or soemone's lousy pension.' People had thought that I was looking for attention when my heart had been broken. They were wrong, they didn't understand that I was seeking advice in how to heal the hurt, but screw them, you know? You are strong enough to heal your hurt. You don't need pity or artificial advice from anyone. The courage is there, in YOU!

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Ernestine Northover 14 October 2006

I'm sure you feel lots better for getting that off your chest Kristin. A wonderful way of expressing those pent up feelings, we all get overloaded with stress and doubts and fears. If one can realease them in tears it's all for the better. Thinking of you my love and praying for your speedy recovery. Hang in there Gal and be positive. Love and lots of hugs Ernestine XXX

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Geoff Warden 14 October 2006

Kristin Davis: I say move over the likes of Kieth Erban and Blue Rodeo there is a new songstress in town....and her voice shall ring load.....way to reach out.....

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 14 October 2006

Kris...judas -priest! You A R E human, afterall? ! Hey, best advice for the night...Make like my Man, CLAPTON, before he digressed to th' bluzzzzz...and just 'LET IT RAIN, LET IT RAIN....LET THE RAIN FALL DOWN ON YOU' HELL OF A SONG, BUT FAR BETTER YET....A HELL OF A WAY TO CLEAN THE HEART & SOUL... & PUT A FINAL STAMP ON YOUR INEVITABLE 'FULL RECOVERY'! BE YOU FOR YOU...IT HAS WORKED THUS FAR, HASN'T IT! ? FRANK(frankster)

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Alison Cassidy 14 October 2006

Dear Kristin, This poem is a huge step toward surrender and acceptance. Remember, if everyone was strong all the time, there would be no one left to look after. By letting go, you give others a chance to show their love and compassion. Thank you for sharing your tears. love, Allie xxxxxxxxxx

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Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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Kristin Nicole RothDavis
Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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